Title: CTI store - Printers, Scanners, Networking, Hard Drives
Description: CTI Intl is the authorized distributor of Apple, Fujitsu, Xerox, Visioneer, Seagate, Samsung, Western Digital, Ricoh, and more. Specializing...
Title: CapTel - Captioned Telephone | Phone Captions, Text Telephones, Hearing Loss, Hard of Hearing, Deaf
Description: Ideal for people with some degree of hearing loss, the Captioned Telephone (CapTel) works like any other telephone with one important addition: It displays every word the caller says throughout the conversation. Phone Captions, Hard of Hearing, Deaf
Title: Pizza Oven Parts for Middleby, Lincoln and Blodgett Ovens
Description: Pizza oven parts for Lincoln, Blodgett, Middleby ovens. Discount(60% off) service parts for oven rebuilders, restaurants, and service companies. US made