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Title: Cancer Care Congress - HSJ Cancer Care Congress 2011
Description: A unique opportunity for the entire cancer community to come together to explore the whole cancer pathway
Keywords:Cancer, cancer reform strategy, NHS Cancer Plan, waiting times, 31/62, 18-week, National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN), Patient Choice, Mike Richards, cancer registry, peer review, early diagnosis, survivorship, End of Life, Palliative Care, Commissioning, Practice based commissioning, commissioning toolkit, IOG, outreach, cancer prevention, early detection, social marketing, Cancer, Tumour,
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Bowel cancer, Breast cancer, Lung cancer, Leukaemia, Cervical cancer, Cancer Reform Strategy, Prevention, Raising awareness, Early diagnosis, National Awareness and Early Detection Initiati, Commissioning, Cancer Commissioning Toolkit, Cancer research, Oncology, Oncologist, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Chemotherapy, NCAG, NCPOD, NRAG, Cancer Pathways, Co-payments, Top up fees, Improving Outcomes Guidance, National Cancer Peer Review Programme, QIPP, CQUINs, Cancer genetics, Gene therapy, Social marketing, HPV vaccine, multidisciplinary team, screening services, mammography, Information prescription, Cancer registry, Smoking cessation, Going further on cancer waits, aiting time, Radiology, Radiotherapy, Outcome, Outcome measurement, Outreach chemotherapy, Survivorship, Supportive care, Holistic assessment, Winning, rinciples, unscheduled oncology admissions, CPORT, Care closer to home, length of stay, Enhanced recovery, monoclonal anti-bodies, End of life care, Palliative care, ational Survivorship Initiative, Neutropenic sepsis, Metastatic spinal cord compression, Clinical trials, Cancer network(View Less)