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Title: Majors Medical Supply - Mobility Products, Ambulatory Aids, Post-Breast Surgery, Aids to Daily Living and Ostomy Supplies
Description: Majors Medical Supply Helping People Move to the Speed of Life! Located in Clemmons, North Carolina, Accredited by The Board for Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification, Majors Medical Supply provides a wide array of durable medical equipment, aids, and supp
Keywords:Majors Medical Supply, Located in Clemmons, North Carolina, NC, The Board for Orthotist/Prosthetist Certificati, BOC, HME, DME Provider, Nebulizers, Diabetic Test Strips, IDPA oxygen, Oxygen Concentrators, Portable Liquid Systems, CPAP Units, Medications, Prescriptions, Pharmacist, Certified Prosthetists, Anaplastologists, Compression Stockings, Jobst, Juzo, Jazzy, Pride Mobility, Invacare,
... (View More)
Sunrise Medical, Therafirm, Medicare, Medicaid, Bi-Levels, Oxygen Cylinders, Oxygen Conservers, Ventilators, Bariatric Products, Bath Tub Safety, Portable Lifting Cushions, Commodes, Continuous Passive Motion CPM, Hospital Beds, T.E.N.S. Units, Ostomy Supplies, Thermophore Heat Pad, Canes, Crutches, Ramps, Walkers, Manual Wheelchairs, Folding Wheelchair, Powered Wheelchairs, Scooters, VGM Group, Ambulatory aids, wheelchairs, scooters, Patient room equipment, hospital beds, commodes, Bathroom safety items, bathtub safety rails, transfer benches, Respiratory equipment, Oxygen, Tracheostomy supplies, Long-term Care equipment, Support surfaces, low air loss and alternating pressure mattress, Negative pressure wound therapy and creams, Ventilators and Trachs, Bariatric equipment, CPAP/BiLEVEL Compliance monitoring, Overnight Pulse Oximetry, CouchAssist, Enteral Nutrition, Nebulizer Medications, Pharmacy Services, Home Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Drug Compounding(View Less)