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Title: International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences (ICETAS-2016) - Home
Description: To fulfill the country's objectives, a country needs to organize and improve its education systems. One area of education that has undergone profound change and significant progress is computer education. Comprehensive Education Programs have been create
Keywords:computer science, computer education, asia pacific, innovation and technology, computer science education, cseit, cseit 2012, Interaction Support, south east asia, conference, Outcome-based Approach, Explorative Learning, Pattern -Oriented Instruction, Interactive Tools, Implementation Languages, Strategies, Learning Styles, Game Building, Integrated Online Courseware, Online Concept, Computer Assisted Assessment, Ambient Intelligence, Teaching Software, E-learning, Affective Imagery Surveys,
... (View More)
Automated Assessment, Integrated System, Synoptic Assessment, Phylogenetic Tools, Linearization technique, Plagiarized Programs, Multi-perspective Digital Library, Team Teaching, Virtual Learning, Web-based Training, Peer Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Educational Technology, Collaborative Learning, Case-Based Learning, Active Learning, System Performance Understanding, online computer science degree, online, computer science courses, innovation, academics, researchers, experienced profecial intelligence, large spatial database(View Less)