Title: Vitelity LLC | Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Service Solutions
Description: US48 & Canada Termination only 1.39 cents per minute. Unlimited Inbound Local DIDs for only 7.95 per month. Toll free service for only 1.9 cents per minute
Title: OPEN-E Operating System and Software for iSCSI SAN, NAS Filer, FC and Unified Data Storage Virtualization solutions.
Description: Open-E delivers Data Storage Software DSS V6 - storage virtualization solution for building iSCSI Target, Network Attached Storage (NAS), InfiniBand and Fibre Channel SAN (Storage Area Network) servers. DSS is the most affordable for VMware, Xen and Hype
Title: Vitelity LLC | Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Service Solutions
Description: US48 & Canada Termination only 1.39 cents per minute. Unlimited Inbound Local DIDs for only 7.95 per month. Toll free service for only 1.9 cents per minute
Title: Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery Services | Doyenz, Inc.
Description: Doyenz provides flexible, cloud-based disaster recovery services, delivered through channel partners, enabling them to do more with their clients’ bits in the cloud.
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