Title: Michael Whelan | Science Fiction and Fantasy Artist
Description: The official web site of legendary science fiction and fantasy artist Michael Whelan. Here you will find his biography, galleries, originals, reproductions, books, and more.
Keywords:art, artist, fantasy, fantasy art, fantasy artist, imaginative art, book covers, cover art, book art, Fantasy Images, science fiction artist, scifi artist, images, archive, artists, drawing, painting, whelan, michael whelan, illustration, Science Fiction and Fantasy, acrylic, oil, science fiction, fiction,
... (View More)
Azimov, dragons, dragon, dragon paintings, dragon sculpture, sorcery, sorcerer, space, stephen king, prints, posters, gallery, fine art, original, hugo, hugo award, scifi, magic, franklin mint, sculptor, fuzzies, robot, original art, limited edition prints, reproductions, open edition prints, giclees(View Less)