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Title: Time and Space VERSUS Time dia Space, a Dialectical Interactively Creative Approach
Description: Dialectic Interactive Approach and the closely related concept of the dialectical understanding of time DIA space was based on the hidden knowledge, whose pillars are the four elements (fire, water, air, earth). In short, all essential PICTORIAL imprints
Keywords:a Dialectical Interactively Creative Approach, time and space versus time dia space, dia, what is time, humane, individual way of thinking, human, creative, individual, pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, Cheops pyramid Khufu, SOCIETAL ORDERS OF THE RULE OF NATIOCRATISM -, dialectical, dialectic creative methodological approach, boboraz.com, physical PRESENCE, future, emotively emotional presence, debtism - a new established natiocratic economi, religion, past, SEEN FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF DIALECTIC UNDERSTAND, A SUMMARY OF THE DIALECTICAL INTERACTIVE APPROA, creation, creating,
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