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Keywords:Kalman Filter, Estimation Algorithms, Statistical Estimation, Extended Kalman Filter, EKF, Iterated Extended Kalman Filter, IEKF, decentralized filters, distributed filters, tracking filters, navigation filters, fusion filters, event detection, Thomas H. Kerr III, Independent Verification and Validation, Independent Verification & Validation, IV&V, LQGLTR, Linear Quadratic Gaussian, LQG, Loop Transfer Recovery, LTR, LQG/LTR, Failure Detection, Maneuver Detection,
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Maximum Likelihood Least Squares fit, Batch Least Squares fit, Filter Batch Processing, Batch Filter, Software algorithms, estimation theory, statistical filter, positive definiteness, T. H. Kerr, observability, controllability, Global Positioning Systems, Global Positioning Satellite System, GPS, GPSS, Inertial Navigation System, INS, Inertial Reference System, Navigation Analysis, Covariance Analysis, Error Budget, technical writing, spectral factorization, matrix spectral factorization, MSF, state variables, Cramer-Rao Analysis, Cramer-Rao Lower Bound, CRLB, Interactive Multiple Model, IMM, IMM-KF, SINS, Integrated Navigation, ESG, Electrostatically Supported Gyros, model-based, spectral estimation, maximum entropy, FDIR, Failure Detection Isolation and Reconfiguration, identification algorithms, parameter identification, parameter estimation, Feedback control, Optimal Control, Time optimal control, Nonlinear Estimation, Riccati Equation, Gaussian Second Order Filter, Squareroot Filter, Bierman Filter, Carlson Filter, Wiener Filter, MatLab, Simulink, Visual Basic, GUI Design, Nonlinear Filter, Linear Filter, FFT, Covariance Intersection, Particle Filter, CI, PF, Sensor Fusion, Daum Filter, Benes Filter, Schur, Space Time Adaptive Processing, STAP, Countermeasures, Jamming, Lie Algebra, Lie Group(View Less)