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Title: Kramers Home Page - Antiques restoration, preservation product
Description: Kramer's Best Antique Improver - the natural way for wood. Truly unique product cleans, restores, preserves, protects using old-recipe ingredients. Restores old finishes and wood, final finish for new or stripped wood. Stops rust on iron and painted tins
Keywords:john t kramer, john kramer, kramer, paint, varnish, shellac, lacquer, stripped wood, raw wood, new wood, damaged wood, gunstocks, furniture, primitives, antiques, aratifacts, chuckwagons, tools, iron, cast iron, wrought iron, tins, galvanized, aluminum, toys,
... (View More)
boats, architectural woodwork, heirlooms, artifacts, swords, knives, axes, hammers, planes, spoke shaves, hor-la-toot, twibil, paneling, kitchen cupboards, staircases, moulding, molding, stiles, flintlocks, caplocks, muzzleloaders, powder horns, gunstocks. percussion, matchlock, wheel lock(View Less)