Title: ICQ для мобильного телефона, смартфона, КПК и коммуникаторов // JIMM, MIP, QIP,
Description: Сайт посвящённый ICQ на мобильных телефонах, смартфонах, КПК, коммуникаторах. Самые свежие программы, помощь по установке аськи на телефон!
Description: The musings and rants of two thirty-something Englishmen. Covering topics such as current affairs, sport, poker, and pretty much anything - of course.
Description: Yappers - Yapperz Social Network, also called a social community. The idea is to meet with other friends and family in order to network, based in Scottsdale and Phoenix Arizona, self promotion, chat, or just a people networking place. meet people, partic
Description: WeYAP is a social review platform that helps people discover and share local businesses - to provide an online platform to share what you love most.