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Title: TriStar PetroServ : Global Tank Cleaning Innovation
Description: Global provider of aboveground storage tank cleaning, material processing and degassing services, including robotic sludge extraction, centrifugal phase separation, and chemical and thermal degassing techniques.
Keywords:aboveground storage tank, aboveground storage tank cleaning, aboveground storage tank inspection, API separator cleaning, API TES, API 653 inspections, asphalt tank, AST cleaning, centrifuge, centrifugal, centrifugal separation, centrifuge-based processing and treatment, chemical cleaning, chemical degassing, chemical plants, coker injection, coker slurry, coker slurry preparation, coker slurry preparation and injection, confined space entry, crude tank, decanted slurry oil tank, decommission, decommissioning, decon,
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decontamination, decontamination services, degas, degassing, degassing services, dewatering, dewatering services, disposal, finished product tank, fuel oil tank, gasoline tank, hydrocarbon cleaning, hydrocarbon reclamation, hydrocarbon recovery, industrial cleaning, industrial cleaning services, light end tank, liquid/solid separation, oil pipeline, oil processing, oil processing and treatment, oil reclamation, onsite sludge processing, petrochemical plants, phase separation, pipeline, pit cleaning, pond cleaning, product terminals, power plants, reclamation, recycling, refineries, resid tank, robotic sludge extraction, robotic tank cleaning, slop oil tank, sludge processing, sludge separation, slurry oil tank, slurry tank, sour water tank, tank cleaning, tank cleaning robot, tank cleaning service, tank cleaning services, tank degassing, tank farms, tank inspection, tank repairs, thermal oxidation, transportation, transportation and disposal, vapor control, vapor-tight sludge extraction, VTB tank, waste disposal, wastewater tank cleaning, ZymeFlow, Zyme-Flow 657, Zyme-Flow Process(View Less)